Enemy that huye, silver puente
Piensa in the green zones of the Raval. Hay as many as cheap barna. Well not happy with ESO, the ayuntamiento has approved that push the works for the enlargement of the MACBAwhich will be emerged 1,105 meters quadrados of the Plaza dels Àngels. What will be left over is the sanctions: with the plan, the Guàrdia Urbana puso 35,000 fine by incivism from August to October 23, 40 % more than in the same period of the previous year; Son Embarg, the insecurity under five point as the main problem of the city. Who was not Peligroso was Enric Duran (the tip that Le Robó Medio Millón of euros to the banks For the social movements), but I just found out that it takes 7 months in a preventive depression in France waiting for the court but you are enough enough. On the contrary, they will be the Hotel Majestic, who, despite the luxury for his huéspedes, aims to precarious aún Más to its workers of the lympieza Externalizando a service that many times does not respect the minimum salary. Less evil that the bulls of the bulls did not like them to the top of the precios of the alquiler (even if a real limit was!) And they are cooked to sell the flats That they have when the contract is over. Adeéeeeeeu!
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