Display "Pillar Aymerich. Memory"

“Pilar Aymerich (Barcelona, ​​1943) began his professional career in photography in the late 1960’s, within the framework of the late Franco regime and the Spanish transition. His camera will witness demonstrations, strikes, celebrations and social movements, always from a social, humanist and feminist consciousness. ” “Initially he is trained in theatrical direction at the School of Dramatic Art Adrià Gual, in Barcelona. After a training period in London and France, he returned to Barcelona in 1968, where he began his career in photography, publishing from then on multiple magazines and rotary ones, such as Serra d’Or, Triumph. , Destino, El Viejo Topo or El País. ” “Aymerich’s images are characterized by the beginning of having a powerful narrative character that flows in parallel with the accompanying texts. Its photographic reports are constituted in sequences in which a principle, development and end of the situation or action that is captured can be identified. ” “The photojournalism that Aymerich practices avoids the distance, the supposed objectivity of the documentary. His images arise from the knowledge of a given situation, the familiarity with the environment and the interpersonal relationships he builds. His work is a reference for photojournalism of the second half of the 20th century, in an area where women were a minority. ” Inauguration: October 24 At 7 pm This article on the cultural agenda has been updated on October 17, 2024, so in anticipation of possible subsequent modifications, we recommend contrasting the information with which it appears published on the Tecla Sala website. You can do this following the link below: Exhibition “Pilar Aymerich. Lived Memory” on the Tecla Sala website, Hospitalet Art Center

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