Did you buy number #805 for the Cultural Panera?

(Valued at € 524)

We made the draw with a random numbers selection program between the numbers sold during these holidays (601 to 819) and asked for 3 resulting numbers.
The winner has been:

#766 – If the lucky person had not appeared on January 22 or had contacted this second number to be the winner. In the same way you would have two weeks of margin to collect the prize or notify us that you have the number (Until February 5).

#648 – If on February 5 the new lucky person did not appear, this third number would become the winner.

We want the photo with the face of happiness of the winner !!!!!

We see in the Maldà! / See you in Maldà!


You are the lucky person! You have until January 22 !!!!

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