CURS DE TABLETS I MÒBILS Del 16 de Setembre al 9 de Desembre GRUP A: Dilluns d…

TABLET AND MOBILE COURSE From September 16 to December 9 GROUP A: Mondays from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. GROUP B: Monday from 6.30 pm to 8 pm Price: €103.35 (13 sessions) Course aimed at people with tablets and mobile phones with Android system . In this workshop we will teach you everything you need to know to get the most out of your tablet or phone. You must bring your mobile phone or tablet. #tallers #tallers2024 #tallerssetembre #tallerscentrescivics #tallerescentroscivicos #tallerscentrecivicnavas #tallerescentrociviconavas #tallersinformatica #ccnavas #tallertablet #Tablets #mobils #CentresCivicsBCN #centrescivics #informatica #centrecivicnavas Civic Centers of Barcelona District of Sant Andreu
