Cultural Program March 25 – CC La Farinera del Clot
We start March with a lot of scheduled activities that you will surely like.
Until the middle of the month you can visit the exhibition “Cronopetics of the cold” within the program #Temporals. Once it is over, the “Photoclot Show” will be installed once again in La Farinera, this time under the theme “Mirrors”.
This month’s musical program brings us a concert at the ideal bar for jazz lovers with “Lucile” and we will enjoy the last concert at the Caliu Cycle Theater, with the Neapolitan singer -songwriter Alessio Arena.
As for the performing arts this month, the theater association @elpartiqui Go back to stage with a classic by David Mamet and the play “Glengarry Glen glen ro $$” that presents the wild struggle between workers. caused by the neo -book direction of the company where they work. Within the scene cycle, we will see the work “Jo porn, you porn”, which explores the different dimensions of the world of porn, unraveling complexities and applies a forceful critique of violent and sexist manifestations. We will also have the work “Gracias por todo” a story about friendship and death. A work with acid humor and constant surprises.
For the little ones of the house we will have the family show Bruixanteris where a witch and a girl will be the protagonists of the story.
This month we will enjoy two of the exterior activities that have the best reception such as the route “Glòries, its secrets, its history” and the “Escape Street La Gran Clara”, which will rediscover this new green space that we have next to the Farinera.
We wait for you!