CLOT WITH BLUES 2024 – Ateneu del Clot


The Ateneu del Clot and the Clot Amb Blues festival convene this competition with the intention of discovering and promoting new blues musical formations. This contest is possible thanks to the sponsorship of the Vol.64 sound studio.


1.- Participation.

-You can participate as a soloist, duet or band of a maximum of 5 members.
-A single person can only choose to participate in a single project.
-The musical formations that are presented may not have published any records or have two published at the most.
-It is an essential condition that the musical training plays a blues repertoire, either one’s own or other authors.
-The 3 selected musical groups undertake to perform an unpaid concert on November 23, 2024 at the Ateneu del Clot.

2.- Registrations

Participating musical groups can contact L´Ateneu del Clot between August 15 and September 30, 2024 (inclusive) and send all the information to the email specifying: blues contest Clot With Blues.

-Description of the musical training, with a short curriculum vitae (50 lines maximum) and names of all members, with the name and telephone number of a contact person.
-Unique photography in good resolution.
– Website or internet space where you can find information about musical training.
-Link to YouTube video with a song or concert where the musical group plays live.
-Optional: Link to a YouTube video with a promotional song from the musical training.
-Link to an audio of the musical training. If desired, two can be sent. All the information will be forwarded to the Jury of the Semi-Final phase who will assess the proposals and choose 3. The contest may be considered deserted if the members of the Jury deem it appropriate.

3.- Unique prize: studio recording Vol.64 of a song with a video of the same song.

4.- Diffusion rights The organization may make non-commercial documentary and promotional use of the recorded material generated by the competition (press, radio, television and Internet). Participants authorize the use of their image which may be used for the dissemination and promotion of the contest.

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