Centre Civic Convent Sant Agusti
Tuesday, December 10, 7 p.m
Chapels of the Convent
free access

22cubic is an artistic residence focused on performance art, the art of action and inaction. With a decade of experience, and organized by MATERIC.ORGsince 2024 22cubic is located in the Chapels of the Convent of Sant Agustí.
The inauguration of this artistic residency will feature two performances by the resident artists:
Jose Allen (Onions / Catalonia)
with the action Gain and thirst Out of hunger!
Action in memory of the six people executed on the gallows, victims of the reprisals against the popular revolt of 1789 known as the Rebomboris del pa, a revolution promoted by a group of women from Barcelona in protest against the increase in the price of bread and basic foods
I looked at Zantop (Mediterranean)
with the action you see
Tiptoe in and the empty space is filled with presences.
“Ex nihil nihil fit”
Move patterns of the imagination to recover or give meaning. Open pores to the invisible, immaterial, irrational. Perceive the communicating vessels inside with your own voice and in the collective memory. And combine layers of a generable vision.