Centre Civic Convent Sant Agusti
Various spaces of the CC Convent Sant Agustí
From November 18 to 23
Open and free activities

[Xerrada / Debat] Art as resistance
Monday 18, 19:30h
Noble Room
In this inaugural event of the Routes, we propose a round table around a question that hovers over us: can the artistic experience be an act of resistance? Can the work – how it is created, how it is received – be a place of openness and deterritorialization of our thinking? Following in the footsteps of Gilles Deleuze, we open the debate on how to make artistic practice an event that allows us to imagine – and live! – new and different social, political and technological realities. with Efraín Foglia, Gabriela Berti, Irma Marco i Jose Manuel Bobadillaall four activists working on the links between sound art, digital creation and social transformation.
[Exposició] Interactive sound installations
From November 19 to 23, from 6 to 9 p.m
Chapels of the Convent of Sant Agustí
Opening: Tuesday 19, at 7pm
This year, the installations of the Routes respond to an urgent theme: the climate crisis and environmental degradation that are pushing humanity and the planet itself towards an uncertain future. The impasse in which we are installed must lead to a rethinking of the project of modernity that we live in, for which Humanity and Nature live in a continuous conflict. The progressive dominance of one over the other has also led to a loss of those bonds by which both understood each other. Is it possible to establish new ties in the face of this disintegration? Questions such as sustainability, biodiversity or conservation are what the sound installations of this Routes 2024 raise.
They participate:
– 19, from the Autonoise Collective
– LA MEGAPHON@SOS.ORG, by Teresa Sil, Jan Ibáñez and Àlex González
– VIDEOWALL 03, by Martin Mykietiw
– DATE B. PUERTO POLLENSA, from Colectivo NFT (Non Future Theater)
– BUTOH SCI-FI, by Osvaldo Cibils and Colectivo Másai Autónomo
– WHAT DO THE CLOUDS SOUND TO?, by Gerard Boyer, Tim Cowlishaw, Rebecca A. Peters and Óscar González
[Concert] Experience Ensemble
Tuesday 19, 7:30 p.m
Noble Room

Experience Ensemble born from the collective musical improvisation workshop carried out at the Convent during the first quarter of 2024. During those sessions led by Mike Cooper and Cristian Subirà (aka Jason Kolar) came up with the project’s driving ideas: promoting intergenerationality, empathy, diversity, spontaneity, impressiveness… all in order to avoid the production and listening of music subject to the logic of consumption typical of realism capitalist we subsist on.
Collective creation, non-musicians, other instruments, anti-show… are some of the premises of this committed, activist, singular and unrepeatable formation. This year’s participants will leave the experimental music workshop (6/11) taught by María Santos and Corrado Scanavino.
[Concert] Johnny Lynn
Wednesday 20, 20h
Noble Room

Jony Linn is the pseudonym of the experimental sound set formed by Mercè Jara Muns (electroacoustic set made with porcelain instruments/objects) i Roberto Contador (guitar, pedals and amplifier). Their staging – them in the center of a circle of audience – seeks the projection of sound in various directions.
The resonances caused by the ceramic instruments, the manipulated signals of the electric guitar and the reverberating singularity of the Noble room, make up an electroacoustic exploration of landscapes traversed by very diverse tensions.
[Concert] Fragments accumulate: Hiroko Komiya & Chris H. Lynn
Thursday 21, 20h
Noble Room

Fragments accumulate is an audiovisual concert performed by the sound artist Hiroko Komiya (voices, objects, lap harp, zither…) and the cinematographic and sound author Chris H. Lynn (objects, field recordings, piano, manipulation of digital and Super 8 images). The artistic couple has worked on several projects which already indicate what we will be able to see/hear in this session of the Routes.
Explorations through soundscapes where memory, contemplation and poetry are conjured. A performance where organic sonorities pass through – the objects struck, the reciting voice, the piano…- and the power that results from the resonances that Komiya and Lynn seek, manipulate and transform.
[Concert audiovisual] agapee
Friday 22, 8pm
Noble Room

agape it is a meal between friends, a meeting of brotherhood. Raúl Costafreda (analog synthesis and guitar) i Aurora Gasull (real-time synthesis image) propose a synesthetic event between sounds, flavors and images, between hearing, sight and palate. They want to invite us to a four-course menu: starters to awaken the senses, a first to lose yourself slowly in unexplored flavors, a second with urban ingredients and a dessert that invites you to get up and go out partying.
[Concert] AMSIA
Friday the 22nd, 9pm
Noble Room

AMSIA is an electronica-alta project with almost three decades of life behind it. Son of the Basque experimental scene, he comes to Recorreguts to present Strategies for dancing (Discordian memories, 2024).
A walk through sound collages taken from samplers and digital libraries of old devices from the nineties (Akai, E-mu, Yamaha, Roland…) and other electroacoustic manipulations that play to combine error and chaos, noise and babble of an impossible digestion of a pataphysical machine… always in search of another beauty.
[Concert audiovisual] SPELL: Serafín Álvarez and Roc Jiménez de Cisneros
Saturday 23, 8pm
Noble Room

MIRROR is an audiovisual performance devised by the visual artist Serafin Alvarez and the electronic musician Roc Jimenez. at theutopian magical and lysergic to which we are invited to enter, networks of actor-objects unfold that collide, combine and mutate to become other things to the interspersed rhythm of an improbable dance music.
These objects – whether a pencil, a hammer, a shark, a beating heart… – lose their original identity to confuse us and at the same time amaze us… like those fortuitous encounters of Lautréamont but definitely in another world: that of the digital virtuality.
Saturday 23, 9pm
Noble Room

Golden Bugalias of the French musician Antoine Harispuru, comes to show The Piscolabis Experiencea live reinterpretation of their albums Piscolabis I i II. They accompany you on this journey through electronic fusion, psychedelia and digital dub, the DJ and producer Vega Vogathe multi-instrumentalist Pablo Volt and the electronic musician Max Blum. Outgoing music as if from a space club for the end of a party. By the end of Sound Tours 2024.