Barcelona Libraries present at the 48H Open House Barcelona! It will be done…
🌇 The Libraries of Barcelona present at 48H Open House Barcelona !
👉 There will be guided tours in two libraries in the network
🏛️ Montserrat Abelló Library
🗓️ Saturday October 26, from 4 to 7 p.m
🏛️ Jaume Fuster Library
🗓️ Sunday 27 October, from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m
🌇 The Libraries of Barcelona present at 48H Open House Barcelona !
👉 Guided tours will be held in two libraries on the network
🏛️ Montserrat Abelló Library
🗓️ Saturday 26th October, from 4 pm to 7 pm
🏛️ Jaume Fuster Library
🗓️ Sunday, October 27, from 10 am to 1.30 pm
i️ Discover all that the festival has to offer at: https://i.mtr.cool/hitxqzdgdp
#BibliotequesBCN #OHB24 #bbcnMontserratAbelló #bbcnJaumeFuster #48hOpenHouseBcn #openhousebcn