Ara mateix a la Sala Sandaru amb “Últimas palabras de Copito de Nieve”, de la c…
🐾✨ Ara mateix a la Sala Sandaru amb “Últimas palabras de Copito de Nieve”, de la cia @_dispunyia.complexica ! 😲🦍🎭 Qui hauria pensat que el famós Floquet de Neu tindria tant per dir abans de marxar? Amb humor, filosofia i un toc de Montaigne, aquest goril·la albí respon preguntes existencials sobre… More
🐾✨ Right now in the Sandaru Room with “Last words of Snowball”, from the cia @_dispunyia. complexica ! 😲🦍🎭 Who would have thought that the famous Snowflake would have so much to say before leaving? With humor, philosophy and a touch of Montaigne, this albino gorilla answers existential questions about life and death… & even about God! 🙌 💡 If you missed it, don’t worry! This is just one of the spectacles in the Showstra’T cycle! Check our website at the link in the bio and don’t miss out on the next functions, which promise to be equally captivating! 🔥 #ÚltimasPalabrasDeCopito #MostraT #TeatreBarcelona #SalaSandaru #Centre#TeatreQueEnsFaPensar #EspectacleÚnic #Culturaaprop #districtesantmartíTranslated from Catalan