A comedy about job redundancies, at Sala Versus Glòries

The summer bet of the Sala Versus Glòries is Dead Anglethe new theatrical comedy about job layoffs that they have written with two hands Sergi Belbel i Rock Esquius.

“We wanted to make a comedy about these terrible times that we are living in, without making special mention of them, without theorizing anything, without pretending to preach or say big words, to make the viewer spend a fun and relaxed time around problems that affect the present and the immediate future of many people”, explains Roc Esquius. The work proposes a reflection on those ‘blind spots’ that are close to us, that escape our view but that can turn the course of society upside down in the blink of an eye.

Directed by Luis Elias (former member of The Minstrels), Dead Angle tells the story of a boss of a small new company who has to fire one of his three workers. While the manager is doing what at first seems like a simple procedure, outside the office (in the waiting room) the situation will get complicated until reaching surreal situations. The work plays with what happens in these two spaces and also with words and gestures: “We really enjoyed playing with the actors and actresses to play this double game: express themselves with words and without, in such a way frenetic and comical, sometimes paroxysmal, taking situations to uncontrolled and surreal limits”, explains Belbel, adding: “This temporal and spatial simultaneity allowed us to constantly play between what is supposed to be really happening and what we have no idea about certainty but where you sense that hidden, secret and unforeseen things are happening”.

The work is interpreted by Berta Bahr, Ramon Godino, Alberto Lozano i Rafaela Rivas.

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