Let’s go for reliefs – Bcnmes

170,000 people The passage to the crisis of the vivienda is ecocharon in the street. It is more than 10 % of the population of Barcelona. Despite Todo, the Generalitat runs the mart to Mariam and Sus Hijos of a public floor in Santa Caterina. The Mossos Destuvieron to two activists and dejaron to an unconscious mujer Not 24 hours after the international day for the elimination of the Machista violence, which Has Sacred to Mujeres in La Calle In all the cities of the country. Volviendo al Martes, Suppimos that the Judge has been conducting Saül Gordillo, former Directivity of Medios such as Catalunya Ràdio, ACN or the Principal A A Year of Cárcel by Tocamientos to an employeeapproved of the difference in the Age and its prevalence Jerachic. Yes, we look back in the time: the first denunciation by Machista violence The Puso Hace 160 Años Franciscafrom L’Hospitalet, against his pair. With all the problems that will be in the city and without salting of the Pleistoceno, the PP has preferred to dedicate its time to criticize that it has not haired in the Plaza Sant Jaume this year and has planted his own Belén de Cartón por un day With this tremendous declaration: “Not even Ada Colau had dared to hide the nativity scene of Sant Jaume inside the Town Hall”. From true that they create that you have ties and rabid.

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