Milestones achieved and challenges of coópolis experts
A few weeks ago we shared with you the Annual report of coópolis activities and services The last annuity. We also put at your disposal as of today Memories of activity collected by each circle of the Ateneo.
At Coópolis, in addition to the work aimed at promoting and promoting the cooperative formula We promote knowledge and activity with different specificitieswhich we call circles, and which are made up of expert entities In that area that works in a specific way.
– Circle of migrations and being anti -racist
– Feminist economies circles
– Ecosocial transition circle – Food and Agroecology
– Ecosocial transition circle – energy and housing
Integration of eco -feminist perspectives
As for the feminist economy, the need for coópolis has Introduce existing instruments to promote the culture of equality and the feminist economywith the aim of building an economy that puts people and the sustainability of life at the center. In that sense, a very careful and rigorous task of Search for good practices to spread its existence and its impact.
One of the activities that stands out in the report is theStudy on debt processes in homes And its effects on women’s autonomy, from an intersectional and decolonial perspective, with very interesting results as a basis for approaching the problem. The circle has also worked intensely to develop Activities that integrate eco -feminist views into the economyand that promote a wider and critical understanding of the environmental and social impacts of the current economic system.
Circle colleagues have collected all the task done in this Final memory.
Political commitment to migrant justice
The circle of migrations and being anti -racist continues to work intensely to meet the needs of one of the most vulnerability groups in the urban economy, that of migrants.
In that sense, since the circle have been Accompanied and promoted the regularization of migrants through the creation of cooperatives and hiring in existing entities.
This year they have also promoted various events That they have made the visibility of migrant projects, culture and knowledge that migrant people carry on their shoulders. Some of these prominent events were:
– Migrant Festival in the Ravalwhich served to connect with new audiences and strengthen the community voice.
– The connected ones! Culturewhich promote aesthetic innovation for dialogue and social transformation.
– Zero: Filmig, who support migrant and racialized artists through literature and other disciplines.
– Migrant and diverse fair which, for the first time, has been held in the heart of Barcelona, in the Plaza Catalunya in the city.
In addition, during annuity worked specifically on Entrepreneurship and employment itineraries in the Sustainable Textile sectorwith projects such as Creadoness-Bud Na Bud, to foster the labor inclusion of migrant women.
You will find the detail of all actions and impact on the Complete memory.
Cooperative Housing and Energy Communities
The Ecosocial Housing and Energy Transition Circle continues to work hard for move towards more sustainable and equitable models in the sectors of housing and energycontributing to an eco -social transition that puts people and the environment in the center.
In terms of housing, during this annuity has been continued promoting different cooperative housing projects Encouraging the transfer format, but also visible alternative models of possession. The goal is Raise awareness of models that prioritize use above property. All this focused on guaranteeing for all people access to a decent and affordable home. This annuity has also continued to work on the line of promotion of creation and consolidation of energy communities That they are committed to self -production and renewable energy self -consumption while walking towards energy sovereignty and environmental sustainability.
Both in the field of housing and energy has been detected need to intensify political incidence To influence the policies promoted in the municipal level and pushing for the construction of legal frameworks that favor fairer and more sustainable models.
You can consult the Complete memory in this link.
Ecosocial transition in the field of food in Barcelona
In the memory of the Ecosocial Transition Circle-Food and Agroecology you will find a comprehensive collection of the task carried out by the entities that are part of it in 2023-2024.
With the aim of strengthen food sovereignty and sustainability of the local food systemfrom the Circle have promoted those initiatives related to the consolidation and expansion of alternative consumptionsuch as consumer cooperatives and community projects. Also stand out the Actions in trainer and sensitizingsince the importance of developing is crucial campaigns aimed at citizenship To foster healthy and sustainable eating habits, as well as to raise awareness of the environmental and social impact of the current food system.
The memory also emphasizes that, Beyond individual responsibility, it is imperative that public policies favor the transition to a more sustainable food systemincluding measures such as the promotion of public organic and local food purchases, and support for local initiatives working in this direction. These policies must also be actively involved in citizens.
You will find all the impacts obtained on the Memory of the circle.