Más Juventud, less tourists – Bcnmes
As the thing will be, that the vecinas of the Park Güell would settle for with a domingo a month without tourists. The employer of the Cruceros insists that the sector brings muchísimo to the municipal arches: 11.6 million euros. If in 2024 Vinieron 3.6 million ESO tourists means that each one contributes 3.22 euros. A fortune. You will tell me if you have to take care of you that, in addition, the 200 cruces who sail for Europe in 2023 (and from which 106 Salieron de Barcelona) pollute as much as 1,000 million coches. Other thing that appears is that the schools have been to manifest Against the Cierre de Patios y tracks in the free air After which varied reports of the vecinos by acoustic pollution hayan is able to close three. Less evil that the ayuntamiento is going to push the causes and esplais For the leisure of 10,567 children and adolescents with 1.6 million euros. All bien up to you that sums and you see that in Barcelona there 251,398 Personitas of up to 19 years. We could give them one domingo a month in the Park Güell and neither notariamos.