From Consumer Group to Cooperativa: a scale jump

We present to coópolis the Association Transformation Guide to Consumer Cooperativean essential tool to continue moving on to the growth and connection of consumer cooperatives in urban environments.

In recent years, and especially during the time we lived under the healthcare restrictions on the Covid pandemic, they grew exponentially, in the city of Barcelona, ​​the consumer groups. This growth was motivated by the need to self-organize as a society in a time of uncertainty and collective vulnerability, being self -organization and mutual support the most effective tools and hopeful of the moment.

Many of those consumer groups, and others who had been walking for a long time, have been consolidated, and some of them have decided to do the jump to formalizing consumer cooperatives. This step forward allows improve management aspects and also strengthen the organization With the involvement and commitment of the members.

Her Federation of Consumer Cooperatives and Users of Catalonia (Coopsconsum) has recently published, together with the FGC cooperative Lawyers and with the collaboration of the Group of Energy Communities of the Cooperative Athenian Network (XAC) and the Spanish Confederation of Consumer Cooperatives and Users (Hispacoop), a practical proposal that supports the Corporate management of consumer cooperatives.

Her Presentation of this resource will take place next February 27 from 5.30pm of the afternoon at the Block (C/ Constitución, 19 Bloc4 Barcelona).

Interested people will find in this tool all the Steps to do to move from being a consumer group, to the formalization of cooperative As a legal formula, key concepts, resources, etc. The session is aimed at consumer groups, but also to organized energy communities or in the process of doing so. In this link you will find the full guide.

Other resources

Barcelona City Council also edited a time ago manual by incipient consumer groupspointing to some resources and ways of working socially responsible. Consumer groups are an important previous step in testing the organization capacity of the collective.

Author of the photograph of the news: Ceci Fimia. Extracted from the Image Bank of the Barcelona City Council.

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