The great masters of music in facsimile / exhibitions / visit us / start
Date Start: 01/23/2025 Final date: 02/26/2025
Zero space
Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
M. Rosa Montalt, BC music section
From the beginning of the Music Section of the Library of Catalonia, its managers have sought to bring the composers and musical works of all time to Catalan society. To do this, autograph documents have been acquired as well as editions of these originals in question.
The custody of Catalan musical heritage has been combined, whenever possible, with universal scope. For example, original scores from international musicians such as Claude Debussy and Charles Gounod, epistolary documents by Sergei Prokófiev, Gioachino Rossini and Richard Wagner, or autograph dedication by Robert and Clara Schumann, are preserved. On the other hand, the acquisition of facsimiles and facsimile editions, especially before the digital age, has allowed access to images of works, writings and drafts of the hand of composers such as Johann Sebastian Bach, Ludwig van Beethoven, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Manuel de Falla or Alban Berg. We will have to wait in recent decades to find more than Catalan authorship such as Isaac Albéniz or Enric Granados.
Recall that facsimiles are loyal reproductions of original documents, exact or almost identical copies, which can sometimes vary, substantially, depending on the quality of reproduction and precision of sizes, colored scale or paper grammar, between others. However, the resemblance to the original allows access to heritage documents facilitating their preservation.
The library catalog comprises more than two hundred facsimile and facsimile editions. The whole set could be classified into two main blocks: one, general, which would include liturgical music, treaties, methods, songbooks, codices and various musical collections from medieval times to classic; and, another, made up of musical works by specific authors. The exhibition you will see offers a selection of this second block, with the intention of contemplating the personality and work of renowned masters of music through its spelling and its own way of composing.