Save the date! The most outstanding theater dates of 2025

Feminism and radical sexuality

From February to March 2025, the Heartbreak Hotel hosts King Kong theorya work based on the text of Virginie Despentes which explores the complexity of sexuality and the female condition. Maria Pau Pigem will embody Despentes in this powerful portrait of modern feminism. An invitation to reflection and, why not, to personal revolution.

A supernatural and theatrical reflection

Death of a comedian arrives from March 21 at Teatre Romea. The show talks about the peculiar relationship between Adri, a young carer, and Llorenç Cardona, an older actor who is starting to lose touch with reality. The text explores the power of fiction as a refuge and how it can be intertwined with real life. A space for self-discovery and confrontation with the past and death. with Jordi Bosch, Francis Marginet i Mercè Pons.

Life and magic

I cut returns to Palau Sant Jordi from March 27 to April 6, 2025. A show written and directed by Daniele Finzi Pasca which follows Mauro the clown’s dream about his own funeral. The fusion of comedy and tragedy creates an experience that celebrates life in its imperfection. A poetic reflection on humanity and its fragility made from the circus and with a luxurious soundtrack.

Romantic comedy and ethical dilemmas

Kramig is a romantic comedy that will be performed at Espai Texas from April 30. This work, written by Marta Buchacaexplores the dynamics of a couple formed by Paula (Anna Moliner), a practical woman, and Toni (Biel Duran), a hypochondriac and idealistic man. When they both decide to have a child, they are caught in the ethical question that will change their lives forever.

A world of characters and memories

Villarroel will premiere in May A closed menuof Jordi Casanovasa piece that explores the bonds between three friends through a dinner party that forces them to confront painful moments from their past. A proposal that questions how and why we present ourselves to others and that plays with the meaning of truth and the image we project of ourselves.

A storm of magic and revenge

Oriol Broggi brings to the stage one of the most enigmatic and exciting works of William Shakespeare. The Tempestwhich can be seen at Teatre La Biblioteca from June 1 to July 13, 2025, combines the magic of a remote island with the timeless themes of power, revenge and love. A look at the human depths through a story in which spirits, nobles and lovers create an atmosphere where reality is confused with fiction.

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