What do we talk about when we talk about ecosystems? Cycle nature and urban environment

Conceptually, we can all differentiate urban environments from natural environments, but when we ask ourselves about the links and relationships they maintain, as well as their balance, we enter into deeper reflections that require more knowledge and awareness.

beat i CICrA they promote a space that invites reflection on the coexistence between nature and cities, highlighting the importance of preserving ecosystems in urban environments. This space, in cycle format will be developed in three sessions that will take place at Bloc4BCN on the days November 13 and 27 and December 11.

In the first of these spaces we will talk about theEcodependency and renaturation and how they move to the urban environment. This debate will drive it Susana Borràs Hairstyle, Dr. in Environmental Law and professor of Public International Law at the URV, specializing in Rights of Nature, and José Luis Fernández Casadevante,sociologist, international expert in food sovereignty by the UNIA. His work focuses on areas such as urban ecology, the solidarity economy or cultural changes. Both will highlight the current urban references that value our eco-dependency and thus, clearly point out what are the most immediate challenges and the key aspects to move forward in terms of eco-social transition.

At the end of November, on the 27th we will talk about the legal personality of aquatic ecosystems in anthropized environments. We will have Joán Prims Evans who is a Doctor in Social Sciences from the University of Åbo Akademi, Finland and who is involved in the recognition of legal personality of the Tins River in Outes, Galicia. Also participating in this session will be Andrea Córdoba from the Sínia Environmental Association, which is dedicated to the active management of the fluvial space of the entire Gaià river basin and its area of ​​coastal influence. With them we will emphasize the ecosystemic values ​​of the natural elements that surround us, such as water.

To close the cycle, and without abandoning the theme of water, we will learn about active initiatives that integrate the water cycle into our day-to-day life in a respectful way. It will be in charge of the entities Water is Life which is a citizen platform focused on working for a better management of water resources and Organic Society entity dedicated to the building sector committed to the organic use of resources and the closing of the cycle of the materials used, among them, water resources.

This cycle is an opportunity to better understand current environmental challenges and foster a more balanced relationship between humans and nature, even in the most densely populated contexts.

Although it is not mandatory, it is recommended to register for all sessions. You can find all the information and registration forms at this link.

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