#xemeneiarecomana From the chimney of the Horta-Can Mariner Library I welcome you…
#xemeneiarecomana 👉From the fireplace of the Horta-Can Mariner Library we recommend: 📌”Hot oil from the crucible of life: Ciutat a cau d’orella, Bitter Maiden, La night” by Vicent Andrés Estellés. Introduction and editing by Josep Ballester Edited by Saldonar 🔗https://aladi.diba.cat/record=b2080024~S171*cat “Complete poetry” by Joan Salvat-Papasseit. Foreword by Enric Casasses; edited by Jordi Cornudella. Edited by Edicions 62. 🔗https://aladi.diba.cat/record=b2069174~S171*cat 📌 “Nature in the theater of Guimerà: a reading proposal” by Enric Ciurans. Edited by the University of Barcelona. 🔗https://aladi.diba.cat/record=b1938766~S171*cat ✨ Three copies that introduce us to the work of these three great authors of Catalan literature. 🗣On the occasion of the centenary💯 of the playwright’s death and poet Àngel Guimerà and the poet Joan Salvat i Papasseit, as well as the centenary of the birth of the writer Vicent Andrés Estellés, the libraries organize several tribute events in the months of October and November. 👉More information: https:// ajuntament.barcelona.cat/biblioteques/ca/noticies/2024-a-year-of-literary-centenaries-at-les-biblioteques-de-barcelona-1432250 #bibliotecahortacanmariner #anyguimera #anyestelles #AnyPapasseit