30 ANYS ARRELAT AL BARRI El divendres 4 d’octubre us esperem per celebrar plegad…
🌱30 YEARS ROOTED IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD🌱 On Friday 4 October we are waiting for you to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Civic Center👏 From 6.30pm we will have a gymnasium, a picnic and a concert with Enrique Santiago🎶 ℹ️More information: https://ajuntament.barcelona.cat/ccivics/elbesosielmaresme/p/60503/30e-aniversari-del-centre-civic
🌱30 YEARS ROOTED IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD🌱 On Friday, October 4th, we are waiting for you to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Civic Center👏 From 6.30pm we will have a gymcana, a pica-pica and a concert with Enrique Santiago🎶 i️More information: https://ajuntament.barcelona.cat/ccivics/elbesosielmaresme/p/60503/30e-aniversari-del-centre-civicTranslated from Catalan