From 27 to 31 of Earlythe Musicians Workshop Acgerá a series of activities in the Marco de los Blended Intensive Programs (BIP) of the program Erasmus+. It is drawn from breast and intensive exchange programs that offer an International Movilidad opportunity to those students who do not or prefer to avoid extended stay in the foreign.

The bip organized by the Musicians Workshop will take away title «Bring on your voice. Exploring Ensemble Compositional Tools and Narrative Improvisation » and will work the fundamental elements in return to the composition, the arrangement, the direction and the execution of their own musical pieces, combinando part of written music and part of improvised music. For Ello, special beings will be set in group interaction, with combos formades from the mezcla of musicians of different institutions, to encourage creation so individually for the musician and in the complete context of the band.

Students of Cinco Ecoures Europeana Musicales will take part in this Encuentro: the Frescoobaldi Frescoobaldi Conservatory of Ferrara (Italy)La Latvian Academy of Music (Latvia)La Lusíada University (Portugal)La Higher School of Music and Arts DO Espetáculo, Esmae (Portugal) and the ESEM Musicians Workshop. The participants will work with the teachers Joan Teruel, Néstor Giménez, Paul Lligadas and Luke Casaresfrom the Musicians Workshop, and with the double bass and professor of the Lusíada University, Massimo Horse.

As a result of this musical exchange, the students and teachers will offer a series of Conciertos and Jam Sessions to show your work. This is a unique opportunity to enjoy the music and the creative energy that comes out in this type of intercomby. In addition, the jam session is abierta, for what that is to be united and actively participated.

Program and participants

MARTES 28 ENERO | Omega room – 19:00
Omega Factory Jam Feat. Bip Barcelona
Jam session With Bip Musicians Abierta to Todo what you will participate.

The jam will be the Combo of Professor Pau Lligadas:
Anna Garcia | voz
Guim Martínez | voz
Bernat Ribas | guitar
Guim Ross | baw
Sergio Blanco | battery

Miércoles 29 Aero | Music Workshop 24 – 20:30
Music Workshop Presents: BIP Barcelona
Bip Faculty Concert
Lluc Casares | Tenor sax
Néstor Giménez | piano
Pau Lligadas | bajo y doubjojo
Joan Teruel | battery
Guest Artist: Massimo Cavalli | double

Jewish 30 Aero | Ateneu la Bobila – 18:00
Bip Barcelona Bands
Concierto of the 5 bands created during the Encuentro:

Ensemble Joan Terol
Ozolin stere | tenor sax (riga)
Javier Vallés | Guitar (Barcelona)
Guilherme Alberto Ribeiro | vibráfono (porto)
José M. Leiria | Bajo (Lisbon)
Joan Teruel | battery
Ensemble Lluc Casares
Davyd Turchanovych | Saxo Alto (Ferrara)
Lluc Casares | Tenor sax
Elisabet Pons | piano (Barcelona)
Nils Valkinainens | bajo (riga)
Joao Miguel Moreira | drums (porto)
Ensemble Massimo Horse
Núria Puyuelo | Baritone sax (Barcelona)
Joāo Pedro Pinto | Guitar (Porto)
Valentino Briatore | piano (Ferrara)
Massimo Cavalli | baw
Kārlis Grinbergs | drums (riga)
Ensemble Néstor Giménez
Laura Sviksa | voz (riga)
Alexandre Carreira | tenor sax (Lisbon)
Néstor Giménez | piano
Duarte Carlos Correia | bajo (porto)
Alberto Solé | drums (Barcelona)
Ensemble Pau Lligadas
Vasco Morado Faria | trumpet (porto)
Thomas Badocchi | tenor sax (Ferrara)
Janis Grikis | Guitar (Riga)
Pau Lligadas | baw
Joan de Domingo | drums (Barcelona)

The Conciertos and Jam Sessions have Libre Entry until the AFORO.

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