25 anys de Relats en Femení – Centre Cívic Sagrada Família

Her Sagrada Familia -Josep M. Ainaud de Lasarte Library and the Sagrada Family Civic Center We invite you to participate in this special edition of the Prize stories in femininea space of creativity and literary expression dedicated to making visible the voices and experiences of women.

This year, in addition to the usual categories – Young (14-24 years) and Adults (from 25 years) – we incorporate a Special category to commemorate the 25 years of the prize. In this, the stories must include the word Eixample and mention the Sagrada Familia Library or the Sagrada Familia Civic Center.

Presents your stories, unpublished and of self -creation, of November 27, 2024 to January 27, 2025.

You can download the bases in pdf or consult them on the web: Premirelatsenfmeni.cat/bases

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