2⃣1⃣ Yes, you read that right: come see NOT MY MONKEYS with a 2…
2️⃣✖️1️⃣ 😳 Yes, you read that right: come see NOT MY MONKEYS 🙉 with a 2×1 💥 for the weekend of #LaMercè❗ Go to teatreolia.cat 🌐, buy 2 tickets 🎟️ and apply the code MONKEYSMERCE when you finish the purchase ! 🙌 A company show. @42km_, written by @maanelmoreno and directed by @martitorras. With @rafadelacroix, @didigmz / @lalauradaza and @georginalatre. ⚠️ Attention: from September 18, the role of @didigmz will be played by @lalauradaza 🤩 🗓️ Until September 29 🎟️ #Buy your #tickets now at the link in the bio! #NotMyMonkeysTeatrEòlia #NotMyMonkeys #teatreolia #Eoliabcn #EoliaBarcelona #cartellera #obra #teatre #contemporani #barcelona #2024 #spectacle #spectacles #spectaclesbarcelona #comedia #setembre #professional #promocio #descompte #descuentos #bcn #cultura #funcions #comprar #cercademi @onelteatrebatega @culturajove_cat @carnetjove_cat @timeoutbcn @teatrebarcelona @culturapopularbcn @culturainquieta @bcn_eixample @cultura_cat @culturadiba @dibacat @barcelona_cat @gencat @atrapaloes @teatrecatalunya